It would seem it’s the most feared document in a marriage, and often viewed as a sanction to the cost of infidelity. The opposite is true. Pre-nuptial agreements, otherwise referred to as prenup, are a statement of how financial assets will be divided in the event of a divorce. It is usually a prudent choice and often makes divorce a much easier affair. prenuptial agreements in new york city

Committing oneself in a financial contract otherwise known as pre-nuptial agreements with your spouse can play as a negative or positive factor in the sustenance of the marriage, because there is no need for either spouse to suffer in the event where they agree to go separate ways.

Pre-Nuptial Agreements Contents

Contents normally contained in pre-nuptial agreements include:

  1. The property owned prior to marriage by each partner
  2. The classification of said property after marriage
  3. The treatment of debts in regard to sharing or splitting liability
  4. A statement on bank accounts, including the intention to share one
  5. A statement on Child visitation and custody following a divorce
  6. A statement on Spousal Support and alimony following a divorce
  7. Child Support following a Divorce
  8. Distribution of Assets and Property following a Divorce

Pre-nuptial agreements are validated by an acknowledgement of both partners and sent to court for and approval process. While there may be some changes in wealth and circumstance, couples can agree to amend pre-nuptial agreements as long as they are acknowledged by both of them.

The statements in the pre-nuptial agreements are done in the utmost clarity, using legal services representing each spouse in the clarification of each entity, and in the acknowledgement of the legal implication of the agreement.  Sometimes, a missed technicality can be the result of the invalidation of an agreement. There are also certain conditions that the couple may want to have in the agreement in solidifying their commitment to their marriages, and that can be included.

There are some situations where pre-nuptial agreements have been overturned, but such cases are normally included in special circumstances like in the incapacitation of a spouse, or an amendment in the law or similar rulings.

Contact a Brooklyn Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Today

While drafting a pre-nuptial agreement, it may be prudent to seek the help of a Brooklyn prenuptial agreement lawyer, who could assist you and your future spouse in writing the contract. It is beneficial to start the process sooner so not to interfere with the special day.

Contact Alatsas Law Firm at (718)-233-2903 for a free consultation today.

Ted Alatsas
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