Introduction to Trusts

Welcome to the world of trusts and estate planning, where you can take a proactive role in protecting and distributing your assets. Trusts serve as a powerful tool in safeguarding your wealth, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of, and even contributing to charitable causes close to your heart.

In the realm of trusts, one size does not fit all! There's a wide array of trust types designed to accommodate diverse needs and trusts

  • Are you seeking ways to avoid probate?
  • Do you have a special needs dependent who requires financial support?
  • Maybe you're looking for strategies to reduce estate and gift taxes?

Whatever your motivations might be, understanding the landscape of trusts can help you make informed decisions that align with your estate planning goals.

In this article, we delve into the various types of trusts, illuminating their unique features and benefits. From Revocable Trusts and Irrevocable Trusts to Special Needs Trusts and Generation Skipping Trusts, we'll take an exploratory journey through these legal entities.

As navigating the intricacies of trust planning can be complex, it's crucial to seek professional advice. Our team at Alatsas Law Firm is here to provide personalized assistance tailored to your circumstances. Don't hesitate to reach out — building a secure, lasting legacy starts with strategic trust utilization.

If you're going through a divorce and need to update your estate plan, we also have resources available to help you. Divorcing later in life can create great challenges, and one of them is making changes to your estate plan. We understand the complexities involved and can guide you through the process smoothly.

For more information regarding family law, divorce, asset protection, and estate planning in New York, refer to our comprehensive article library. It contains a wealth of resources that can provide helpful insights and guidance as you navigate these legal matters.

Understanding Trusts

At the core of estate planning, a trust is a legal arrangement where one party, known as the trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold and manage assets for the benefit of beneficiaries. The trustor transfers ownership of assets to the trust, and the trustee is responsible for managing these assets following the trust guidelines.

Types of Assets that can be Held in Trusts

Trusts can hold a variety of assets, including but not limited to:

  1. Real Estate
  2. Bank accounts
  3. Investments
  4. Life insurance policies
  5. Personal property

Benefits of Trusts

One key benefit of trusts is their ability to bypass the probate process. Probate is a legal procedure that verifies a will and distributes assets after someone's death. It can be time-consuming and costly. By transferring assets into a trust, these assets become property of the trust and are not subject to probate upon the death of the trustor.

Considerations for Trusts

While trusts can be an effective tool in estate planning, they also introduce complexity. Properly setting up and administering a trust requires specialized knowledge and experience. Therefore, it's crucial to work with a financial advisor or estate planner when establishing a trust as part of an overall estate plan.


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Additionally, it's worth noting that trusts can play a significant role in property division during same-sex divorces, especially in states like New York. They provide a framework for fair and equitable distribution of assets.

Furthermore, contrary to common misconception, estate planning is not limited to older individuals. Even younger individuals, such as millennials, can benefit from having estate planning documents in place. These documents ensure that their assets are protected and distributed according to their wishes in the event of an untimely demise or incapacity.

1. Understanding Revocable Trusts

A revocable trust is a legal tool used in estate planning that provides individuals with control and flexibility over their assets both during their lifetime and after. Unlike other estate planning instruments like wills, revocable trusts offer certain advantages such as privacy, continuity, and probate avoidance.

Key Features of Revocable Trusts

Here are some key features of revocable trusts that make them an attractive option for many individuals:

  1. Flexibility: The trustor (the person creating the trust) has the power to make changes to the trust or even revoke it entirely if their circumstances or intentions change.
  2. Privacy: Unlike wills, which become public records after death, revocable trusts remain private, providing confidentiality to the trustor and their beneficiaries.
  3. Continuity: Revocable trusts ensure that there is a smooth transition of asset management in situations where the trustor becomes incapacitated or passes away.
  4. Probate Avoidance: Assets held within a revocable trust do not go through the probate process, resulting in a faster distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

Roles and Responsibilities

In a revocable trust arrangement, there are two main roles:

  1. Grantor/Settlor: This is the person who creates the trust and transfers ownership of their assets into it.
  2. Trustee: The trustee is responsible for managing the assets held within the trust according to the instructions provided by the trustor.

It is common for individuals to appoint themselves as both the trustor and trustee while they are alive, retaining full control over their assets.

Funding a Revocable Trust

To ensure that a revocable trust functions as intended, it is essential to properly fund it by transferring relevant assets into it. This can be done through various methods, including:

  1. Changing Ownership: Transferring the title of properties (such as real estate) from individual ownership to the trust.
  2. Naming as Beneficiary: Designating the revocable trust as the beneficiary for certain accounts (such as life insurance policies or retirement plans).
  3. Moving Assets: Physically moving assets like stocks, bonds, or other investments into brokerage or bank accounts held in the name of the trust.

By taking these steps, individuals can ensure that their assets are held within the revocable trust and will be subject to its provisions upon their incapacity or death.

💡 Fun Fact: Did you know that funding a revocable trust does not have any immediate tax consequences? Since the grantor retains control and ownership over the assets during their lifetime, there are no additional tax filings required.

Importance of Professional Guidance

Estate planning can be a complex process, especially when considering factors such as divorce or changes in tax laws. Seeking professional guidance from experienced estate planning attorneys or financial advisors can provide individuals with the necessary expertise and insights to make informed decisions. For instance, Theodore Alatsas, an estate planning lawyer in Brooklyn, specializes in navigating through these complexities and can help create a comprehensive strategy tailored to your needs.

The use of a revocable trust in estate planning is just one aspect of creating a comprehensive strategy for protecting assets and leaving behind a meaningful legacy. When combined with sound legal advice and

2. Irrevocable Trusts

When it comes to estate planning, choosing between an irrevocable trust and a revocable trust is a pivotal decision. An irrevocable trust becomes a permanent arrangement once it's created, meaning the trustor can't modify or terminate the trust without the beneficiaries' consent. This type of trust may be preferred for certain objectives, such as asset protection and tax benefits.

Why Choose an Irrevocable Trust?

  • Asset Protection: Assets transferred into an irrevocable trust are generally shielded from creditors and legal judgments against the trustor.
  • Estate Tax Reduction: Since the assets in an irrevocable trust are no longer part of the trustor's estate, they may not be subject to estate taxes upon the trustor's death.
  • Medicaid Planning: When planning for long-term care, transferring assets into an irrevocable trust can help meet Medicaid eligibility requirements by reducing countable assets. For anyone facing challenges with Medicaid denials, understanding how to handle application processes in Brooklyn and how an irrevocable trust can assist in this process is critical.
  • Charitable Goals: An irrevocable trust can be structured to provide for a charity while also offering tax benefits to the donor.

Key Considerations

Before establishing an irrevocable trust, one must be certain about their intentions since changes are difficult, if not impossible, to make later on. It’s vital to work with skilled advisors who understand both the complexity and benefits of this powerful tool within estate planning.

For those considering their options between revocable and irrevocable trusts, exploring a firm's Revocable Living Trust Plan might provide valuable insights into which path aligns best with their estate planning goals.

In summary, while an irrevocable trust offers less flexibility compared to its revocable counterpart, it brings forth significant advantages that may align closely with specific strategic objectives in estate planning.

3. Testamentary Trusts

A testamentary trust is a type of trust that comes into existence upon the death of the trustor. Unlike revocable or irrevocable trusts, which are created and often funded during one's lifetime, a testamentary trust is typically specified in a person's will and becomes active only after the will has gone through probate.

When comparing wills and testamentary trusts, it's important to understand that both can serve as vehicles for distributing assets upon death. However, a testamentary trust offers additional control over how those assets are distributed to beneficiaries. For example, it can stipulate that a beneficiary should receive their inheritance at a certain age or when they reach a specific milestone.

One notable subtype of testamentary trusts is the generation-skipping trust. This type of trust allows for assets to be passed down to grandchildren or even later generations, rather than directly to one's children. The main benefit of generation-skipping trusts is their ability to avoid estate taxes in the intermediate generation, thereby preserving more wealth for future generations.

In light of these complexities, seeking guidance from experienced advisors is essential when considering testamentary trusts as part of your estate plan. Speak with an advisor about your unique needs and goals to ensure your legacy is preserved and protected in line with your wishes. Additionally, if you reside in New York City, it's important to be aware of potential issues such as age discrimination that may impact your housing rights. Theodore Alatsas can provide valuable insights on both subjects: fiduciary role in New York probate administration and age discrimination laws.".

4. Life Insurance Trusts

A Life Insurance Trust, often referred to as an ILIT (Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust), is a specially designed trust that holds ownership of your life insurance policies. This type of trust is particularly effective in estate planning, serving two main purposes:

  1. Estate Tax Exemption: When structured correctly, the proceeds from your life insurance policy won't be considered part of your estate, thus avoiding estate taxes.
  2. Control Over Policy Proceeds: It provides a framework for when and how the policy proceeds are distributed to your beneficiaries.

The mechanics of a life insurance trust involve transferring the ownership of your life insurance policy to the trust. While you can no longer manage the policy directly, as the grantor, you can dictate how the funds should be used upon your death through specified guidelines in the trust document.

Life insurance trusts can also help protect assets from creditors and ensure that funds are utilized according to your wishes even after death. For instance, you may specify that funds should only be used for education or medical expenses of beneficiaries.

In a nutshell, life insurance trusts allow for greater control over your insurance policies and how their proceeds will be utilized, providing peace of mind knowing that your beneficiaries will be taken care of in exactly the way you intend.

Remember, while creating a life insurance trust, it’s essential to have experienced advisors guide you through each step. Our team at Alatsas Law Firm is ready to assist with our depth of knowledge on this topic. If you have any general legal inquiries or need help setting up a case intake meeting, feel free to schedule a free legal consultation with our Brooklyn attorney, Ted Alatsas.

5. Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs)

A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) is a unique type of irrevocable trust that allows you to strategically transfer assets that are likely to increase in value to your beneficiaries while minimizing gift tax obligations. Here's how it works:

  1. You, as the grantor, create the GRAT and transfer assets into it.
  2. You retain the right to receive annual payments from the trust for a specific period of time.
  3. At the end of the term, any remaining assets in the trust are passed on to your beneficiaries.

The key advantage of a GRAT is its ability to take advantage of the difference between the IRS interest rate and the growth of your assets. If the assets in the trust grow at a rate higher than the IRS interest rate, the excess growth can be transferred to your beneficiaries without incurring gift taxes.

Benefits and Considerations of GRATs


  • Tax Efficiency: GRATs can be an effective way to transfer wealth with minimal tax consequences.
  • Asset Protection: By placing assets in an irrevocable trust, they may be shielded from creditors or legal claims.
  • Flexibility: Unlike some other estate planning tools, GRATs allow you to receive income from the trust during the term.


  • Choosing the Right Assets: GRATs work best with assets that have a high potential for appreciation.
  • Setting the Term and Annuity Payments: The length of time you choose to receive annuity payments and the amount of those payments should be carefully considered based on your financial needs and estate planning goals.
  • Potential Risks: If you pass away before the end of the term, some or all of the assets in the GRAT may be included in your taxable estate.

It's important to note that GRATs are complex estate planning tools, and their effectiveness can depend on various factors such as market conditions and changes in tax laws. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney or financial advisor is crucial to determine if a GRAT is suitable for your specific situation.

💡 Tip: Establishing a GRAT involves careful planning and should be undertaken with professional guidance. Missteps could lead to significant financial penalties or unanticipated tax obligations. For instance, if paperwork isn't filed correctly or deadlines missed, it could compromise your estate planning.

As you explore different options for managing your estate, it's essential to understand the intricacies of each strategy and how they may impact your overall financial situation. Seeking expert advice will help ensure that your legacy planning aligns with your long-term goals

6. Special Needs Trusts

Special needs trusts are legal arrangements designed to protect the financial future of individuals with disabilities. These trusts serve as a way to ensure that beneficiaries can still receive important government assistance programs like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income.

Key features of special needs trusts include:

  1. Asset Management: Assets placed in a trust are managed by a trustee, who is responsible for using the trust funds for the beneficiary's needs, covering expenses that government benefits do not.
  2. Preservation of Government Benefits: The assets in the trust are not considered the beneficiary's personal assets, so they do not affect their eligibility for public assistance.
  3. Customizable Provisions: Each trust can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the beneficiary, ensuring they have access to resources that improve their quality of life.

When thinking about setting up a special needs trust, it's important to work with professionals who understand how to balance taking care of a loved one and keeping necessary support. This knowledge ensures that care and assistance will continue without interruption for the beneficiary's entire life.

For those looking for help with sensitive issues like this, finding a trusted advisor who is both professional and efficient can provide invaluable peace of mind.
Testimonial: Professional and Efficient

By creating a special needs trust, families can have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones will always have support without losing out on crucial benefits. 

7. Charitable Trusts

Charitable trusts are a unique way to incorporate philanthropy into your estate planning while also reaping financial benefits. The two primary types of charitable trusts include Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT) and Charitable Lead Trusts (CLT).

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT)

A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) allows you, as the trust creator, to receive income from the trust's assets for a predetermined period. Once that time elapses, the remaining assets are then directed towards the charity of your choice. This arrangement offers income tax deductions and may help reduce estate taxes as well.

Charitable Lead Trusts (CLT)

Conversely, a Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) operates differently. In this case, the income generated by the trust's assets is first allocated to the chosen charity for a specific duration. Afterward, the remaining assets are either transferred back to the beneficiaries or returned to the trust creator.

Benefits and Considerations

Both types of charitable trusts provide an avenue for supporting causes dear to your heart while simultaneously enjoying financial advantages. However, it's crucial to note that these arrangements can be intricate and may carry tax implications. Therefore, it is essential to approach them with careful planning and seek advice from experts.

If you're considering including a charitable trust in your estate plan, we highly recommend consulting with a professional advisor specializing in elder law, and asset protection. They can offer guidance tailored to your specific needs and ensure that your charitable goals align with your overall financial plans without any unintended negative effects.

For more information about our expertise in this area and how we can assist you throughout this process, please visit our firm's webpage. At our firm, we are dedicated to helping you preserve your assets and secure your future.


8. Generation Skipping Trusts (GSTs)

A generation-skipping trust (GST) is an estate planning tool designed with a long-term perspective, aiming to transfer wealth directly to grandchildren or even later generations, bypassing the children's generation. This strategic move can result in significant tax savings, as it avoids the taxes that would otherwise be incurred if assets were transferred first to children and then to grandchildren.

How Does a Generation-Skipping Trust Work?

The GST works by holding assets in trust and assigning distributions to beneficiaries who are at least two generations below the creator of the trust. For instance, if grandparents wish to benefit their grandchildren directly while their own children are still living, a GST can make this possible. The trust not only provides for future generations but also protects the assets from estate taxes that would apply if each generation inherited directly.

Benefits of a Generation-Skipping Trust

  • Assets within a GST can grow and compound free of estate taxes over the lifespan of the trust, which could be many decades. This allows for a family's wealth to potentially increase significantly without being diminished by repeated taxation.
  • Moreover, these trusts offer control over how assets are distributed to beneficiaries. For example, they can be structured to release funds when a grandchild reaches a certain age or achieves specific milestones such as graduation from college.

Is a Generation-Skipping Trust Right for You?

To ensure that your legacy reaches your intended heirs with minimum tax liability and maximum protection, consider discussing the potential benefits of a GST with an experienced advisor. For insights into avoiding common pitfalls in estate planning, you may find value in reviewing How to Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes, which provides comprehensive guidance on avoiding mistakes that could undermine your wealth management objectives.

By leveraging a generation-skipping trust as part of your comprehensive estate plan, you embrace foresight and fiscal efficiency—ensuring that your family's future is secure and your legacy endures across multiple generations.

Trusts are a crucial component of estate planning, offering a wide array of options tailored to individual needs and objectives. Whether it involves managing assets in case of incapacity, providing for a loved one with special needs, or facilitating the seamless transfer of wealth to future generations, the right trust can have a substantial impact. The advantages of utilizing trusts, such as probate avoidance, tax efficiency, and asset protection, underscore their significance in any comprehensive estate plan.

To begin exploring this area, it is essential to understand the distinction between irrevocable and revocable trusts. Moreover, delving into the benefits of marital trusts for spousal protection or considering various types of charitable trusts that provide both philanthropic opportunities and financial advantages can be highly beneficial. Properly funding a trust is also critical, necessitating meticulous attention to detail and knowledge of different asset transfer methods.

While there are numerous advantages to employing trusts in estate planning, navigating this complex landscape often requires professional guidance. Collaborating with experienced advisors ensures that your trust strategy aligns with your goals and can adapt to any changes in laws or personal circumstances.

If you're ready to take control of your legacy and make the most out of available estate planning tools, we encourage you to reach out to us today. Let's schedule a consultation at our firm where we can discuss creating a comprehensive plan specifically tailored for you. For business owners contemplating their succession strategy, our Estate Planning for Business Owners and Succession Planning page offers valuable insights into safeguarding your assets and securing the future of your business beyond your time as its leader.


Ted Alatsas
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Trusted Brooklyn, New York Family Law Attorney helping NY residents with Elder Law and Asset Protection
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