The cost of long-term nursing home care has risen dramatically in recent decades—so much so that, if you're like most Americans, you're probably counting on Medicaid to cover the lion's share of the expense. That isn't far fetched, considering that Medicaid is the leading source of funding for long-term care.
However, as a needs-based program, Medicaid has strict limitations on the assets you can have while still qualifying for benefits. If you've spent your entire life building a legacy for your family, it can feel like all your years of hard work are suddenly working against you. Fortunately, Medicaid planning can help, and Alatsas Law Firm is here to help you meet your goals.
Take a Chapter From Our Book
Our knowledgeable and highly-skilled estate planning attorney wrote How to Protect Your Family's Assets From Devastating Nursing Home Costs to help clients understand how careful planning can help them qualify for Medicaid benefits. The Asset Qualification Rules chapter of the book offers invaluable information on the program's asset guidelines. Learn:
- How Medicaid values your assets for eligibility purposes
- Which assets are considered countable
- Which assets are deemed unavailable
- Which assets are specifically excluded by statute
- Community Spouse Resource Allowances for married couples
- And much, much more
This chapter is available for free, as a complimentary preview of our Medicaid planning guide.
Request Your Complimentary Chapter Now
Ready to get serious about Medicaid planning for long-term nursing care? Fill out the contact form on this page and we'll deliver the Asset Qualification Rules chapter of our book, How to Protect Your Family's Assets From Devastating Nursing Home Costs, directly to your inbox. After that, a member of our team will follow up with you to answer your questions and send you the full version of our informative Medicaid guide.