When it comes to inheritance, many people think of receiving assets directly through a will. However, inheriting through a trust is an increasingly popular alternative that offers several advantages. This blog post will explore why it might be beneficial to inherit assets through a trust, focusing on privacy, control, and protection from creditors.living trust v. will

Enhanced Privacy

One of the most significant advantages of inheriting through a trust is enhanced privacy. Unlike wills, which go through probate and become public record, trusts operate privately. The details of the assets, the identity of the beneficiaries, and the terms of asset distribution remain confidential. This privacy can be especially valuable for those who wish to avoid public scrutiny or family disputes over the distribution of assets.

Control Over Asset Distribution

Trusts provide a level of control over how and when assets are distributed that is not possible with a simple will. For instance, a trust can specify that the beneficiaries will receive their inheritance at certain ages or upon meeting specific conditions, such as graduating from college or getting married. This can help prevent beneficiaries from potentially mismanaging their inheritance at a young age and ensures that the assets are used in a manner that the grantor intended.

Protection from Creditors and Legal Judgments

Assets held in a trust, especially an irrevocable trust, are generally protected from the beneficiaries' creditors. This means that if a beneficiary has outstanding debts or legal judgments against them, the assets in the trust cannot be easily accessed by creditors. This protection can provide significant peace of mind for the grantor, knowing that the inheritance will benefit the beneficiary directly and won't be consumed by legal or financial troubles.

Avoidance of Probate

Like privacy, the ability to avoid the probate process is a critical benefit of inheriting through a trust. Probate can be time-consuming and costly, potentially diminishing the value of the estate due to extended legal fees and court costs. Trusts allow assets to be transferred quickly to beneficiaries without the need for probate, providing faster access to the assets when they may be most needed.

Tax Benefits

Depending on the type of trust, there can be significant tax advantages to inheriting through a trust. Trusts like the AB trust can help married couples minimize estate taxes by maximizing federal estate tax exemptions. This is particularly beneficial for larger estates that might otherwise be subject to substantial estate taxes.

Continuous Management and Support

For beneficiaries who are not experienced in managing money or who have disabilities, trusts can provide ongoing management and support. A trustee can be appointed to manage the trust assets responsibly and make distributions according to the trust's terms, ensuring that the beneficiary's needs are met over the long term.


Inheriting through a trust offers numerous advantages, from privacy and control to protection from creditors and tax benefits. However, whether it is the best option depends on individual circumstances, including the nature of the assets, the needs of the beneficiaries, and the goals of the person setting up the inheritance. Consulting with an estate planning attorney can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and help you decide if setting up a trust is the right strategy for your estate planning needs.

Inheriting through a trust can provide strategic advantages and protections that direct inheritances via wills may not offer, making it an option worth considering for many people planning their estate.

Ted Alatsas
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